Types of Bonds

What Types of Bonds Are Available?

Bonds are issued by federal, state, and local governments; agencies of the U.S. government; and corporations. There are three basic types of bonds: U.S. Treasury, municipal, and corporate.

Treasury Securities

Bonds, bills, and notes issued by the U.S. 政府债券通常被称为“国库券”,是最高质量的证券. They are issued by the U.S. 财政部通过公共债务局. 所有国库券都具有流动性,可以在二级市场上交易. 它们根据到期日进行区分,期限从30天到30年不等. 国库券的一个主要优势是所赚取的利息免征州税和地方税. 美国国债得到了美国政府的充分信任和信用的支持.S. 政府注重及时支付本息,因此几乎没有违约风险.

Treasury bills 国库券是在一年之内到期的短期证券. 它们以低于面值的价格出售,因此在到期前不支付利息.

Treasury notes (国库券)每六个月获得固定利率,期限从1年到10年不等. 在讨论美国经济表现时,10年期美国国债是被引用最多的指标之一.S. 政府债券市场也被抵押贷款市场用作基准.

Treasury bonds (T-bonds) have maturities ranging from 10 to 30 years. 和国库券一样,它们每六个月也有一次息票支付.

Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are inflation-indexed bonds. 通货膨胀保值债券的面值是根据消费者物价指数的变动而调整的. They are offered in maturities of 5, 10, or 30 years.

除了这些国库券,某些联邦机构也发行债券. 政府全国抵押贷款协会(Ginnie Mae), 联邦全国抵押贷款协会(房利美), and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (房地美)为特定目的发行债券,主要是为购买房屋提供资金. 这些债券也得到了美国政府的充分信任和信用的支持.S. government.

Municipal Bonds

市政债券由州和地方政府发行,用于资助学校建设, highways, housing, sewer systems, and other important public projects. 这些债券通常免征联邦所得税, in some cases, 对于居住在债券发行地的投资者,从州和地方税收中扣除. 市政债券往往提供有竞争力的利率,但也有额外的风险,因为地方政府可能会破产.

Note that, in some states, 如果投资者购买市政债券基金的股票,而该基金投资于由他们纳税的州以外的州发行的债券,他们将不得不缴纳州所得税. In addition, 虽然基金中的一些市政债券可能不需缴纳普通所得税, they may be subject to federal, state, and local alternative minimum tax, 如果投资者卖出免税债券基金获利, there are capital gains taxes to consider.

There are two basic types of municipal bonds. General obligation bonds 是否有开证人的充分信用担保,是否有开证人征税权的支持. Revenue bonds 是否用该债券所资助的个别项目所产生的收入偿还.

Corporate Bonds

公司发行债券是为了进行大规模的资本投资或扩大业务. 公司债券往往比政府债券风险更高, 但它们通常与更高的潜在收益率相关. 与公司债券相关的价值和风险在很大程度上取决于发行债券公司的财务前景和声誉.

Bonds issued by companies with low credit quality are high-yield bonds, also called junk bonds. 投资高收益债券的回报和风险与投资投资级证券不同, including higher volatility, greater credit risk, and the more speculative nature of the issuer. Variations on corporate bonds include convertible bonds在一定条件下可以转换为公司股票.

Zero-Coupon Bonds

这种类型的债券(也称为“应计债券”)不支付息票,但以大幅折扣发行. The bond is redeemed for its full value upon maturity. 零息债券比息票债券的价格波动更大. They can be issued by the U.S. Treasury, corporations, 以及州和地方政府实体,一般都有较长的到期日.

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债券受利率、通货膨胀和信用风险的影响,它们有不同的期限. As interest rates rise, bond prices typically fall. 债券的收益和本金随市场情况的变化而波动. 如果不持有到到期,债券的价值可能高于或低于其原始成本. Bond funds are subject to the same inflation, interest rate, 以及与其基础债券相关的信用风险. As interest rates rise, bond prices typically fall, which can adversely affect a bond fund's performance.

Mutual funds are sold by prospectus. 请在投资前仔细考虑投资目标、风险、收费及费用. The prospectus, 里面有这个和其他关于投资公司的信息, can be obtained from your financial professional. 在决定是否投资之前,一定要仔细阅读招股说明书.


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